Smart Kiosk
All-in-one automatic Kiosk system


In the context of the booming digital transformation, the single-window system for administrative procedures, access control, and user identification has become outdated. The slow task resolution speed and potential disruptions due to travel time, queuing, and manual, complex processes make it inefficient. Maintaining a large machinery system with cumbersome personnel while labor productivity remains low is costly. The lack of speed and convenience hinders users from accessing services and products offered by organizations and businesses.


The all-in-one automatic Kiosk solution – Smart Kiosk integrates remote user identification, access control, electronic payment, electronic transactions, and automated administrative procedures. It is installed on a user-friendly, compact device.

In the digital transformation race, Smart Kiosk stands out as an efficient and sustainable customer access solution for organizations. It can be widely applied in access control, hotel check-ins, airports, administrative procedures, service registration, and maintenance across various sectors including e-Government, Smart Cities, Finance, Banking, Insurance, Healthcare, Education, Tourism, Aviation, and Retail.

Outstanding Features

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