Smart eKYC
Remote user identification solution


User identification is always an important step in reaching customers for any organization or business. However, customer identification in the traditional method of meeting, authenticating through records and paper documents is revealing major limitations such as: process interruption due to time and geographical distance limitations. not ensuring security and the situation of document forgery is becoming increasingly complicated. In the current period of strong digital transformation, organizations and units need a new identification method that shortens time and processes, in order to reach customers quickly, effectively, and more competitively.


Smart eKYC – Remote user identification solution will create a revolution in user identification methods when agencies, organizations and users do not have to meet face to face, 100% paperless, ensuring continuity. Continuous, uninterrupted identification process thanks to dynamic processes and advanced 4.0 technology with accuracy up to 99%. In the current digital transformation race, Smart eKYC is a quick and sustainable solution to reach customers for organizations and businesses in all fields, especially in the fields of: Finance – Banking, Insurance. Insurance, Health, Education, Telecommunications…

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