SAVIS eArchive Bigdata - Big Data-Powered Electronic Archiving Solution

SAVIS eArchive Bigdata address the large data storage needs of businesses, helping to optimize resources, build, deploy, and operate data processing systems based on a unified platform.


Organizations can manage millions of documents in various formats and retrieve them accurately in seconds, reducing operating costs by eliminating the need to retain paper records. After digitization, documents will be centrally stored and managed, encrypted for security with sensitive documents, creating opportunities to build electronic archives to enhance collaboration between ministries, agencies/organizations, while reducing the risk of document loss and ensuring compliance with Circular No. 02/2019/TT-BNV, Decree No. 30/2020/NĐ-CP, Decision No. 458/QĐ-TTg on official document work and electronic archiving.

Compliance with international and Vietnamese standards

Outstanding Advantages

Integration with Elastic technology: Enables metadata search, unlimited search data capacity, and accurate results within seconds.

Unlimited integration: Supports unlimited integration with existing software systems of the organization such as: Accounting software, Human resource management, workflow management, document management, and directory management systems…

Integration of advanced electronic signatures and timestamps: Supports advanced signature standards, timestamping, and LTANS and LTV standards for long-term electronic archiving and electronic document certification, ensuring authenticity, non-repudiation, and data integrity for 10 years, 20 years, or permanently.

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