SAVIS eCertify

SAVIS eCertify is the first electronic certificate and credential solution developed in Vietnam


The emergence of digital degrees, certificates, and credentials is an essential digitization requirement to replace traditional paper certificates and credentials, which are susceptible to forgery, alterations, loss, deformation, tearing, and fading over time, incurring significant costs for printing, transportation, and storage.


SAVIS eCertify is the first electronic certificate and credential solution developed in Vietnam. With advanced digital signature technology that includes timestamping for enhanced signature time and long-term validation (LTV) capabilities, SAVIS eCertify ensures non-repudiation regarding the time and signer, as well as long-term legal validity for certificates and electronic credentials for up to 10 years, 20 years, or indefinitely, without being dependent on the validity period of the digital certificate used.

SAVIS eCertify ensures compliance with the Electronic Transactions Law of 2005, Circular No. 06/2015/TT-BTTTT, Circular No. 22/2020/TT-BTTTT, and meets ISO 32000 standards for PDF document archiving in long-term electronic storage.”

With the ability to automate document creation, signing, storage, transportation, and extraction, Smart eContract helps organizations and businesses build contracts in the electronic environment without paperwork, quickly, cost-effectively, with maximum security and full legal compliance. Every operation on the electronic contract is recorded, ensuring the integrity of the content, accurately identifying the parties involved, and securely storing the contract.

The solution will help individuals and businesses save up to 90% of time and operational costs, reducing the process from 48 hours to just 3 minutes compared to traditional contracts.


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