SAVIS Cyber Security
Network Security Monitoring Center

  • Monitoring and assessing network security
  • Preventing, tracking, and responding to cybersecurity threats and incidents
  • Monitoring and managing organizational compliance with network security
  • Cybersecurity training


The accelerating pace of digital transformation globally also means that cybercriminals are continuously finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities in information technology infrastructure. Organizations need proactive plans to anticipate cybersecurity threats, lest they suffer severe losses from cyberattacks.


SAVIS Cyber Security is built with the mission of continuously monitoring and enhancing the security posture of organizations, ensuring compliance with both Vietnamese and international standards for secure information system monitoring operations.

Technology Architecture

Operational Support System: SIEM; Proactive monitoring, Alert and Notification, Events Correlation and Heuristics/Behavioral/Anomaly

Security Incident Handling System: Incident Response, Behavioral Analysis, Reporting.

Centralized Management and Process Automation System: Compliance and Audit, Change Management, Configuration Management

Integrated Systems:

  • Threat Intelligence Platform: Internal, External
  • Prevention: Firewall, IPS/IDS, Endpoint, anti-DDoS, NAC…”

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