TrustCA QTSP Remote Signing

Sign digital documents wherever you are, with the same legal value of a handwritten signature

SAVIS is Vietnam’s first trusted QTSP providing remote signing 

and HSM digital signature services in compliance with EU eIDAS regulations

What is TrustCA QTSP Remote Signing

Remote Signing is a new concept introduced after eIDAS regulation no. 910/2014 which enables the creation of QES – Qualified Electronic Signatures and AdES – Advanced Electronic Signature, using electronic signature creation device which followed the set standards. QES and AdES are managed remotely by a trust service provider (TSP) operating on behalf of the signer (user). The user’s signing key is securely held under the user’s sole control, and signature operations are done in a hardware security module (HSM) on the server end.

Why Do You Need API Strategy Consulting?

Anytime, anywhere

Users can sign anywhere, on a smartphone, tablet, laptop, etc.

Fully compliant

Our Remote Signing are fully eIDAS compliant

Easy integration

The solution integrates advanced digital signing technologies LTV, LTANS; Timestamp digital signature; Integrate with the organization’s internal system and specialized software

We are fully eIDAS compliant

Suitable for all industries and enterprise scales.









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